University Place residents who are noticing pine trees on their properties with red needles near the top (or in some cases, over the entire tree) are encouraged to contact the state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It is likely the tree has been infested by the California five-spine ips, a bark beetle.
This is a relatively new pest to the Pacific Northwest and one that only affects pine trees such as shore, ponderosa and white pines as well as some ornamental pine species. In addition to red needles, signs of infestation also include small holes with fine, reddish sawdust or large amounts of reddish dust on the bark and at the tree base. Infected trees can turn brown quickly as the beetles brood and eat the cambium layer below the bark.
DNR has more information about these pests and ways to control and manage outbreaks.
Visit this Ips article at this DNR Resource for a more in-depth look.