Submitted by Save Our City-DuPont.

How many of you love to hike the trails in DuPont, particularly, the beautiful Sequalitchew Creek Trail leading down to Puget Sound and the trails through Edmond Marsh?
CalPortland, which currently dry mines over 400 acres of land in the northern part of DuPont, has submitted a proposal to the City of DuPont to expand their mining by 187.5 acres into what is called the South Parcel which borders Sequalitchew Creek Trail to the north.
The mine wants to dewater the Vashon Aquifer to dry out the gravel in this section. The dewatering would dry up the seeps along the Sequalitchew Creek Trail, leading to parched hillside slopes. If the South Parcel mine expansion is approved, the creek along the trail will dry up for almost half the year. At present, the underground water from the Vashon Aquifer nourishes the lush hillside, the creek, and our wetlands.
The potential drop in the groundwater level of up to 9 feet in West Edmonds Marsh is especially alarming. Other concerns include the groundwater level decrease in Pond Lake, wetlands 8, 9, and 10, and Old Fort Lake. Additionally, the Kettle Wetland will be eliminated. This drop in groundwater levels will likely dry out the lush vegetation surrounding our wetlands and creek.
Climate conditions have worsened since the 2011 Settlement Agreement. The City of DuPont is surrounded by forest, and climate change is already increasing the fire risk for our residents. The mine expansion will likely exacerbate this risk by further reducing the groundwater levels.

Restoring Sequalitchew Creek should not depend on dewatering the Vashon Aquifer. Restoration should occur without such drastic measures. CalPortland could be an exemplary community partner by funding the restoration without dewatering the aquifer.
Please mail or hand deliver your public comments asking the City of DuPont asking them to DENY a mining permit that would destroy our stream, hillside, and wetlands permanently. There are no mitigations proposed that would adequately protect our environment:
- Hand-Deliver: You don’t have to use the online format. Drop your own comments off at City of DuPont City Hall, 1700 Civic Dr, DuPont, WA 98327
- Mail: Send your comments to The City of DuPont, 1700 Civic Dr., DuPont, WA 98327, care of Barb Kincaid
DEADLINE July 15, 2024
Link to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement:
CalPortland should be denied the opportunity to dewater (dry out) the Vashon Aquifer. The water table(s) in our area need to be protected and kept from being lowered by even the smallest amount.
Wow hope you are succcessful! Save the trail. 🌱🌱🌱🌲🌲🌲🌾🦎
Please send in your comments!
Start an online petition! We support your restoration efforts.
Online petition results will not be accepted according to the instructions at this link
The comment period is June 14, 2024, through July 15, 2024.
Comments can be made here:
Comments may be submitted via the link above, or by providing hard copies via US mail or hand delivery to The City of DuPont, 1700 Civic Dr., DuPont, WA 98327, care of Barb Kincaid.
… comments sent via email or any other method other than the webpage portal link above, mailed or hand-delivered WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Please send in your comments!