Within the next 20 years, Sound Transit plans to extend the Tacoma Link light rail to the intersection of South 19th and South Mildred streets (known to many as “the Four Corners”). The new station will connect Tacoma Community College to Sea-Tac International Airport, Seattle and points further north in King County.
The project is sure to spur additional economic development opportunities but will also have impacts for businesses and residents. A group of local partners, including Pierce Transit, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma Housing Authority and area cities, are encouraging residents and business owners to share their hopes, visions—and concerns—about how this will affect the Four Corners area.
Please take just a few minutes to complete this 10-question survey before July 31 and watch future issues of Headlines for the survey results and updates on the project.
The vision certainly was ‘t to close Skateworld. Skateworld was safe entertainment for entire families.