Author Stephanie Larkin works as a freelance editor and splits her time between Vancouver, WA, and Seattle, WA. For most of her adult life she has been writing poetry and short stories as a hobby, but when she became involved with a community of refugees, she felt compelled to write her first book. “Resettled’ was published in 2016, and since then, Stephanie has written nine more books. When Stephanie isn’t writing, she enjoys pickleball and traveling. She also paints decorative stones for widows with encouraging messages, such as “You’re Not Alone,” “You Are Stronger Than Grief,” etc. She gives the stones to the widows she meets along with a free copy of her mini-book, “Ten Affirmations of an Empowered Widow.” She belongs to the Writers Cooperative of the Pacific Northwest.
Which genres do you cover?
Stephanie Larkin: I write nonfiction books, poetry, and short stories. Many of my books blend my lived experience with up-to-date research about a particular topic; for example, developmental trauma, grief, and stepparenting.
Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Stephanie Larkin: I just published a book called “Dear Future Stepmom.” It’s a guide for women who are contemplating becoming stepmoms, and it includes a comprehensive list of questions to discuss with your future spouse, practical information about stepfamily dynamics, and advice from seasoned stepmothers.
At which book events can readers find you?
Stephanie Larkin: I will be selling my books at the Arlington Street Fair on July 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Stephanie Larkin: I don’t have a favorite event, but I always enjoy chatting with folks in person. When they learn that I write about my real-life challenges, they often share their own experiences.
Do you have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Stephanie Larkin: I encourage everyone to consider sharing their life experiences and lessons learned through writing. This world is sorely in need of more wisdom!
Do(es) your book(s) have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Stephanie Larkin:
The overall message of my nonfiction books is that there is more to your life story than whatever happened to you. So many folks don’t realize that they are not alone and that most of us have experienced varying degrees of pain and even tragedy. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Stephanie Larkin: Since I’m currently writing a book in the genre of oral history, I’m rereading the late Studs Terkel’s classic, “Working.” He traveled around the country and collected the stories of ordinary people, transcribing them and editing them in a way that made his book very easy to read. I plan to do the same with my friends who were refugees from Africa, and I have already begun recording interviews with the elders.
Do you have specific writing habits?
Stephanie Larkin: Beginning at six o’clock in the morning, I write for approximately three hours before doing any paid editing work or tackling other daily activities. Although my intention is to return to writing in the evening for a couple more hours, I must confess that does not always happen, especially in the summer!
What are you currently working on?
Stephanie Larkin: My current projects include “The People of Gosha: An Oral History” and another book related to widowhood.

Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Stephanie Larkin: I just finished “Still Life” by Louise Penny. Since I write about such serious subjects, I am trying to decompress from time to time with a cozy mystery!
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Stephanie Larkin: I would advise aspiring authors to take as many writing classes as possible. Read “On Writing Well,” the classic by William Zinsser. Expand your vocabulary. Hire an editor. Remember that everyone’s first draft is lousy, and don’t give up.
You can find Stephanie Larkin’s books at book stores and at https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ms.-Stephanie-Larkin/author/B07WXMJ7HG .