On Saturday, June 1, Pierce Transit’s Million Mile Club welcomed four new members: Charles Stango, Joseph Carlson, Duane Lacy, and Richard Sprinkle. These latest inductees joined an elite group of transit operators who have driven 1 million miles or more with zero preventable accidents. This amounts to about 12 ½ years of driving – without a single preventable accident. Each million miles driven equates to about 40 trips around the world, or two trips to the moon and back. It is a feat that would take the average American driver about 75 years to accomplish.
The Million Mile Club exemplifies Pierce Transit’s culture and a commitment to safety. Awardees move thousands of people every day, week, and year. Reaching the milestone takes passion, persistence, commitment, and skills.
Including these four employees, Pierce Transit will have inducted 65 people into the Million Mile Club since its inception in 2019. Club members have gone on to further achievement: seven operators have made the 2-million-mile mark, and one hit 3 million miles.
“I am extremely proud of these incredible transit professionals,” said Pierce Transit CEO Mike Griffus. “Their dedication to the safety of their passengers and the community is unparalleled, and I am grateful they have chosen to serve the public as Pierce Transit operators.”