Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Color It UP contest who created fun and creative colorful vinyl wrappings for utility boxes around the city. Students from Curtis Junior and Curtis Senior High Schools as well as Charles Wright Academy submitted the winning designs that will appear on utility boxes on Bridgeport Way between 67th Street and Cirque Drive later this summer.
In addition to individual designs by Lily Vu, Eric Westbrook, Erika Chung, Kim Song, Lillian Born, Marine Imbert, Nia Montague, Ray Gehring and Violetta Boychuk, students in Charles Wright Academy’s Glass, Mosaic and Plaster classes were also recognized for their winning submissions.
U.P.’s Director of Public Works Jack Ecklund reports that Color It UP designs have improved the aesthetics of U.P.’s streetscapes and helped reduce crime. “Since we wrapped utility boxes in the winning designs submitted by artists in the first year of Color It UP, boxes that had been repeatedly hit by taggers have had no incidents of graffiti,” he said. “The program has been a huge success.”