Visitors to Point Defiance Park can expect significant traffic impacts the weekend of June 1-2 related to the Point Defiance Flower & Garden Festival. Drivers wishing to access the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum or Owen Beach on those days are strongly encouraged to use the Mildred Street entrance.
Free parking is limited but available at the boat launch, Science and Math Institue (SAMi) parking lot, parking lot B near the ferry dock and neighborhood streets. ADA-accessible spots will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis near the Lodge crosswalk and a drop-off area will be available in front of the Point Defiance Pagoda.
Two 15-passenger vans will also be available to transport visitors to different destinations in the park during festival hours. Shuttles will run from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with stops at the Point Defiance Pagoda, Rhododendron Garden, Fort Nisqually, SAMi, and the Native Plant Garden.
Paid parking can be found at Point Ruston, with a short walk over Wilson Way to reach Point Defiance. Metro Parks Tacoma strongly encourages visitors to both the festival and other attractions in the park to take advantage of alternative means of transportation, including Pierce Transit routes 10 and 11 and various rideshare options.
Pedestrians and vehicles traveling to Vashon from the Point Defiance Ferry Terminal should plan accordingly to arrive on time for their scheduled sailing.
A map highlighting available parking and traffic impacts is available at
Are we able to use the parking lot at Dune Park, and then walk over the Wilson Way Bridge to the Flower and Garden Show?