I hope each of us, on Memorial Day, pause and remember the true meaning behind this solemn day.
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Reader Interactions
Joseph Boylesays
KM Hills,
Thank you for your pictorial reminder. I like many Americans, had to ask myself this morning, “What is Memorial Day all about.”
It felt good to be able to think about the day’s meaning as I go about my day.
Had it not been for many men and women paying the ultimate sacrifice, loss of life, Hitler would have made America’s first language, German.
Joseph Boyle
P.S. There is nothing wrong with the German language, but I hope you know what I mean.
Having lived in Tacoma during WWII and hearing planes overhead, not knowing whether they were American, German, or Japanese, then marrying a career Army guy who went to Korea and Vietnam (both combat tours), I can appreciate every day in the USA.
KM Hills,
Appreciation for remembered sentiment and photo, with lasting thanks to Bob Arndt and Lakewood he inspired to produce this memorial. It holds forth with solemn regard for comrades lost on or over distant fields and seas, … in that time.
William Youngsays
I am moved by this ad, my pops was in the Army air cour passed as a vet I think of him every day and I lost my best friend as kids in Nom. Everyone in the USA should feel great full for their FREEDOM today.
KM Hills,
Thank you for your pictorial reminder. I like many Americans, had to ask myself this morning, “What is Memorial Day all about.”
It felt good to be able to think about the day’s meaning as I go about my day.
Had it not been for many men and women paying the ultimate sacrifice, loss of life, Hitler would have made America’s first language, German.
Joseph Boyle
P.S. There is nothing wrong with the German language, but I hope you know what I mean.
Having lived in Tacoma during WWII and hearing planes overhead, not knowing whether they were American, German, or Japanese, then marrying a career Army guy who went to Korea and Vietnam (both combat tours), I can appreciate every day in the USA.
Where was the photo taken?
Outside Lakewood’s City Hall.
KM Hills,
Appreciation for remembered sentiment and photo, with lasting thanks to Bob Arndt and Lakewood he inspired to produce this memorial. It holds forth with solemn regard for comrades lost on or over distant fields and seas, … in that time.
I am moved by this ad, my pops was in the Army air cour passed as a vet I think of him every day and I lost my best friend as kids in Nom. Everyone in the USA should feel great full for their FREEDOM today.