Submitted by Greg Rediske.
Sort of. It’ll actually be at the Lakewood Playhouse, not in New York on Broadway. And Bruce Springsteen won’t be there. It’ll be better, because there will be FOUR musical performers, not just that one guy! And tickets won’t be $1000 or more, but a measly $50, which includes a Scotch tasting and tutorial, beer, wine, soda……and it all goes to the community support efforts of Lakewood Rotary. The performers get nothing, zip, nada—-but for the honor of being associated with such a world-class event.
And who are these performers, you ask, who will be talking and playing in the same format as “Springsteen on Broadway”?

Part One: Eric Quinn. Doubling as MC, you will hear of Eric’s journey as a member of a rap ensemble to recorded solo artist. All while raising a family (two small children) and being the legal representative for numerous fire departments. Eric’s music videos utilize Tacoma landmarks extensively.

Part Two: By day, Philip Lindholm is the CEO of a local real estate and investment brokerage. By night, he is a law student at Seattle University. Before all this, he was a Rhodes Scholar finalist who graduated with three masters and a doctorate from Oxford before forming roots rock band “Whiskey N’ Rye,” which toured across the West Coast, and released two albums. He also is the author of several books, a Ted talk, and numerous television and movie productions.

Part Three: Scott Casebolt has spent his entire career in the fire business, including fire chief and now fire commissioner here for West Pierce. Along the way, Scott decided to follow his Scottish ancestors and took up the bagpipes. Now, he teaches and plays every week some place or another.
Part Four: Chris Kimball has been playing drums for over 60 years (and boy, are his arms tired!) Chris has toured with many musical groups and performed with numerous well-known musicians such as Doc Severinsen, Big John Hall, Don Ellis, and more. His style ranges from classical (Tacoma Symphony Orchestra), Jazz (Centralia College Jazz Band, University of WA Jazz Band, Swing Reunion Orchestra, Opus 43, Jazz Disciples), Country (The Yokels), Gospel (Bridge, The Key Singers, His Image), and Rock (Thrust, Emanon, Obsidian, The Edge, and currently the world-renowned Dave’s Basement Band). His playing is heard on several studio albums, and he’s toured nationally, internationally, and performed on the Christian Broadcasting Network. And now? He is a financial advisor with numerous national awards.
June 21, 5:00, at the Lakewood Playhouse. Only 150 seats available, at $50. Go to, Make A Payment.