Old Shirt, New Look
May 17th, 2024
THS Museum – 406 Tacoma Ave S
Join THS for a workshop on the history of Victorian principles of reuse and learn how to upcycle an old T-shirt into new fashions, such as decorative patches and scrunchies!
Workshop tickets cost $10 and will include the historic talk and project instruction. All supplies are provided except for the T-shirt. Please plan to bring at least one old graphic T-shirt you are prepared to cut up. Basic hand sewing skills encouraged. This workshop is suggested for teens & adults.
Refreshments will be provided. Workshop begins at 6:00 and ends at 8:00pm
Tickets: https://tacomahistory.org/global/link_views.php?media_id=824
This event is generously sponsored by Tacoma Creates.
For questions, call (253)472-3738 or email info@tacomahistory.org