Progress continues for the installation of the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library.
In April, contractors completed the foundation and began to install the interim building. In May, workers are scheduled to further install the building onto the foundation, complete drywall, paint, and install ceiling tiles and flooring.
If the construction plan holds, the projected opening date of the interim Lakewood Library is late summer. Click here to learn more.
Long-term Lakewood Libraries
The Library’s Board of Trustees had a productive first study session on April 20, discussing long-term plans for the downtown Lakewood Pierce County Library. Their deliberations advanced their consideration toward the first part of the Lakewood Library Buildings Community Advisory Committee recommendation, which was to keep the library at the same location, building a new library on the current site.
The second in-person study session is Saturday, May 11, 2-4 p.m., in the Administrative Center Meeting Room B (3005 112th St. E., Tacoma). You may also view the session streaming online at mypcls.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/. This session will focus on the Tillicum Pierce County Library.
These meetings are open to the public to attend and observe.
The hasty closing of the existing landmark library indicates a lack of planning requiring the expense of a temporary building adding cost beyond a straight replacement.
That the significant architecturally excellent building was not adequately considered for a remodel in lieu of replacement is a mystery to me.
As a retired architect I cannot understand the decision that appears wasteful and unnecessarily costly beyond a remodel.
Lakewood has very few landmark public buildings and the library is one that creates its civic identity beyond just an anonymous suburb of Tacoma.