Today is the first day of the month of May, a day of ancient, more recent, and in many cases forgotten seasonal celebrations, among them May Basket Day.
Traditionally, in the instance of someone in love and to express romantic interest, flowers were arranged in a basket, or perhaps watering can, and placed at the door of the one to whom he was attracted.
He would ring the bell and run away, although probably not too fast given, should the recipient spy him, she would chase after and plant a kiss on the one who planted the flowers on her porch.
If he were slow enough, then I suppose all the better.
This first day of May is also the day of the start of a brand new month. Which means it is a day, like every 24 hours for that matter, to consider how short life is and what we really want out of it.
A social media site entitled “Sister, I Am With You” today, this first day of May, stated in part the following:
“The things that will be important to me at the end of my life need to be the things that are important to me today.
“The things I want to be remembered for tomorrow need to be the things I live out in this moment. Not tomorrow. Not when I’m older, or retired, or when things have settled down. This moment.”