Fifty years ago I accidentally locked the keys to our honeymoon Volkswagen bug in the car.
The problem was our car was on the ferry and we were supposed to be first off but of course now we are holding up traffic.
I guess my mind was elsewhere.
Similar was what happened this morning:
Exciting – if you consider hooking up to sewer exciting!
Conversation just now as I went out to see how the workers were doing.
Worker: “You drive a Toyota?”
Me: “Yes, how did you know?” (Toyota was parked across the street in anticipation of their need to access the driveway.)
Worker: “You missing a set of keys to your Toyota?”
Me: (Now, I’m really excited, even more than sewer-hookup-excited!)
“You found my keys?!” (spare set which I always carry in case I lock one set in the truck which I did the other night).
Worker handed over the keys he had found in the yard.
Me (after profusely thanking him): “If my wife were still alive she would have said, ‘Where was the last place you used them?
“But of course she is not here to remind me.”
So now the sewer guys are my wife’s heavenly messengers!
Ed Norton would be proud.
I am going to let Bob Warfield do my talking for me today.
Ed Norton would be proud.”
Joseph Boyle
P.S. Mr. Warfield, while I might have been in big trouble had I copied you while we were in high school, in this case, my academic dishonesty and lack of independent creative thinking can be considered a form of flattery.
I know she watches over you and reminds those of us that read your tale what true love is.