“Sometimes you just need a break in a beautiful place alone.”
The “Words for Women” social media site, which is the source of this quote, declares its purpose is to share “the words we all need to hear.”
Men included.
Doodling, I crossed out “alone” and substituted “with someone you love” as, I believe, the ideal is being together, hand-in-hand on the wider parts of the trail, single file as the path becomes steeper.
But still together, just the same, on this adventure called life, where seeking beautiful places together is a necessity not a luxury.
However, I no longer have “someone I love” with me anymore. I lost her to cancer and a half-century of our travels to beautiful places together came to an end.
So, alone it is.
Because, even alone, peace is restored where beauty is found; purpose is renewed where few travel; pain is replaced with love for life.
To wander is to rekindle wonder.
Even alone.