“Singin’ in the Rain” was the centerpiece of the film by that title (1952) in which Gene Kelly memorably dances to the song “while splashing through puddles during a rainstorm in California.”
“Why am I smilin’ and why do I sing?
Why does December seem sunny as Spring?
Why do I get up each morning to start
And get up with joy in my heart?
Why is each new task a trifle to do?
Because I am living a life full of you.”
Oh, to have someone to love through the puddles of life that way!
From cleaning up after the cat, to washing and drying dishes side-by-side, to just sitting side-by-side, just someone sweet to live life with.
And to die still so very much in love.
She stroked his forehead and with her fingertips caressed his sunken cheeks. Her tears fell unhindered, sobs and whispered words of endearment were unheard by those standing helplessly by.
And unheard by the still form in the bed.
He was gone.
But oh, how she loved him.
Even still.
That’s what love does.
Love sings with joy, love sometimes whispers in pain, but love is so very precious.
Even in the rain.
Beautiful words. Comforting to those of us who have lost our dearest.
A side note: that was my all time favorite movie scene.
Keep on moving