We will be gathering for our annual Lead the Way Home Breakfast on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 from 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM (Buffet opens at 7 am) at LeMay – America’s Car Museum (2702 E D St., Tacoma). This breakfast is an annual fundraiser AM hosts to raise funds and awareness for our critical direct service programs. All funds raised go directly toward helping our neighbors find, secure, and remain in homes of their own.
The theme for this year’s breakfast is “Hope Starts at Home” because we believe that it will take all of us working together to find lasting solutions to homelessness. Enjoy breakfast and an energizing program of guest speakers, program spotlights, and client testimonials!
Please note this is a free event, however, we ask that you kindly reserve a seat to allow us to accommodate everyone. If you’ve already registered, please forward this invitation to a friend you think might like to attend.
For any questions about registration assistance, please email Michele at michelec@associatedministries.org or call her at 253-426-1507.
For any questions about sponsorship opportunities, please email Evan at evans@associatedministries.org or call her at 253-426-1510.