Last Friday, it was a little slow in the PIO Office, so we decided to go for a ride…
Shot from the PIO’s perspective, see what was happening Friday, March 29th during the day in Central Patrol. We normally show a lot of big, exciting calls, but here is some of the smaller stuff that you don’t usually see. All the little calls add up, and as a deputy sheriff, you are a crucial part of providing an array of services to your community.
The post Ride along with our public information officer first appeared on Pierce County Sheriff’s Department Blotter.
Thanks for sharing what is going on in our community. Vehicle theft and hit and run are a big deal when they happen to you. Vehicles are expensive and difficult to replace. Auto repair costs are sky-high and auto damage also means not having a vehicle for days or weeks. Not getting to work or daily activities. We are all paying for these vehicle crimes through higher insurance premiums. Hit and run appears to be on the rise. I appreciate “Good Samaritans” coming forward to help and as witnesses. Thank-you!
Very nicely done. It reflected the professionalism of the sheriff’s department as servants of the community without the off putting macho hype presented in other videos. Please keep it up.
PIO Moss, I thoroughly enjoy your videos. Thanks for sharing.
I enjoy your videos showing us the issues going on in Pierce County. You are exact but funny at the same time. Keep up the good work and filming the going’s on in our area