The Superintendent’s Youth Advisory Council (SYAC) is a key part of CPSD’s commitment to elevating student voice. High school students throughout the district gather regularly to provide input and share the thoughts and needs of their peers with administrators who can help make a difference.
This year, the SYAC wanted to do more and chose to take on six projects to help make a broad impact on their schools and communities.
“When we started our SYAC meetings at the beginning of the school year, the SYAC members told us how important it was for them to make an impact on the community, one that goes beyond their schools,” said CPSD Director of Equity and Community Engagement Grant Twyman. “We listened to them and took action to make their dreams of community contributions a reality.”
All SYAC students were surveyed about the types of projects they were interested in working on this year. A few key themes were identified that served as the basis for the six projects they are working on: mental health/wellness, creating safe spaces, working with assisted living facilities and helping with local cleanup projects.
These projects are helping students deepen their ties to Lakewood and the rest of the CPSD community.
CPSD Superintendent Ron Banner
Students selected groups based on their interests:
Sexual Harassment Policy: CPSD updated its sexual harassment policy this year and SYAC members played a key role in advising administration in its development along with staff and parents.
Fentanyl Awareness: With the help of a grant from the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, students filmed a series of public service videos to bring awareness about the dangers of fentanyl that will be shared in classrooms and at assemblies. The idea for the videos emerged as students researched the topic and how they could help make a difference.
Youth Wellness/Mental Health: SYAC students are planning and assisting in the creation of a teacher training module, a virtual family seminar and a districtwide mental health day to bring more attention to the importance of youth mental health.
Safe Spaces: Providing safe spaces for everyone is essential to helping students thrive in the classroom. Students will be working with school leadership teams to create safe spaces in and adjacent to common areas in schools where all groups of students can feel comfortable.
Assisted Living Facilities: SYAC students made their first visit to an assisted living facility on Feb. 23 where they interacted with residents and played games with them. This project spawned from the desire of students to make sure their elders knew they were part of the community and not forgotten. More visits are planned throughout the school year.
Park Cleanup: Students districtwide will participate in park cleanup days around the city of Lakewood. SYAC is leading on helping to identify students to volunteer. The next major park cleanup day is Parks Appreciation Day on April 27.