At the Feb. 20 Council Meeting, the City Council approved the recommendation to move forward with plans to expand sanitary sewer service in up to four neighborhoods: Areas 2, 8, 12 and 5a (see map below). These areas were selected through evaluation of factors such as cost/parcels served, environmental impacts, history of septic failures, income levels, and public support. It is anticipated that the City will go out to bid for the construction in these areas later this year. Each area will be bid as an optional alternative and final award of work will be based on the available funding. The goal is to provide sewer service for as many as possible with the money available.
The scope of this project is to construct dry sewer mains into the areas chosen. Hooking up to the sewer main will not be required unless the property experiences a failure of their septic system, or the property redevelops.
Sewer Service Expansion Information
For more information, contact Todd Smith, NPDES Coordinator, by email at tsmith@cityofup.com or by phone at 253.460.5432.
Interesting that sanitary sewers are finally being expanded in UP. Between 1979 and 1983–more than 40 years ago— as a Deputy Prosecutor assigned to the County Sewer Division— I dealt with ULID 70-1. In that part of the unincorporated area known as UP, sewers were installed. It has taken more than 40 years to expand.