Today, we see what it’s like to work and train as a K9 deputy. RIDE ALONG with Deputy John Munson as he patrols our Central Patrol Division on swing shift. Then, stick around to see K9 Brix and the other K9’s from the region do some training at night.
We share these videos with you so you have an actual look at what it is like to work a full shift as a deputy. Check out our other Ride Along and body camera videos on our YouTube page.
K9 Deputy Munson and K9 Brix,
You two put together a spectacular and informative Ride-A-Long video. Thank you.
John, I remember you from our time working together at the Sheriff’s Department. Early on it was obvious to me that you were a AAA quality police officer. Thank you for serving the citizens of Pierce County.
Joseph Boyle – Retired PCSD Deputy