Each spring Clover Park School District develops a budget to be reviewed and approved by the school board for the upcoming fiscal year. Members of the CPSD community are invited to take part in the budget development process by participating in a ThoughtExchange survey to identify key priorities the district should consider as it builds a balanced budget to support student learning.
To participate, interested participants should review CPSD’s quick, informational video on the budget and complete the following survey: https://tejoin.com/scroll/921813291. The budget survey will close Friday, April 12.
CPSD will share results of budget priorities from the March 19 budget development workshop and ThoughtExchange survey with the community in late April. Another budget development workshop will be held Tuesday, May 21, at 6 p.m. in room 6A/B at the CPSD Student Services Center located at 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW, Lakewood, WA 98499.
lease contact the business services department at 253-583-5010 if you have questions about the CPSD budget or community relations office at 253-583-5040 if you need additional information or assistance with the ThoughtExchange survey.