A staged reading is a rehearsed read-through of a script, performed in front of a seated audience.
About a week ago I got an email from my friend.
A few months ago my cousin Lavinia Hart introduced a long time theater friend to Peggy and me. I believe “Lindy” and Dale Westgaard studied acting together at Central in Ellensburg years ago. Dale joined Lindy and me, when Peg was unable to we review two local stage productions. Two weeks ago Dale sent me a note that he was performing in a staged reading of “Shipwrecked!” at Tacoma Little Theatre.

A staged reading is a rehearsed read-through of a script and then performed in front of an audience. The actors do not have to memorize their lines. They read them. Sometimes the stage directions are read aloud during the performance as well. Staged readings don’t use elements such as props, sets, and costumes. They are like an audio book or a radio play with live actors.
As a past board member of the Tacoma Actors Guild (TAG), I was familiar with staged readings, but Peg and I were really impressed with this production of Shipwrecked. The play was directed by Warren Kerr with technical assistance by Lily Oellerich. The three characters sat in folding chairs behind music stands with direct lights on the pages. The actors stood behind the stands when they spoke and sat when they weren’t performing. Westgaard stood during the entire performance. Off to the left was director Warren Kerr, who made some comments explaining some of the actions.
The play, written by Donald Margulies was inspired by “The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont” a publishing sensation in England at the close of the nineteenth century.

Dale Westgaard performing as Louis de Rougemont wore a suit. His range involved playing a child through to an old man, and various ages along the way. Player #1 was played by Krissy Dustan. I had last seen Krissy, very stoic, in “The Giver’s” at Lakewood Playhouse. This production let her show off her multiple skills. Player #2 was performed by Tom Morse. Tom played a great dog and more. Manager Director Chris Serface should be proud indeed of the fine performance of this Staged Reading.
After talking with two of the cast members, Peggy got a nice hug from Dale Westgaard.
We can hardly wait for the next Staged Reading!