I was dead tired, but that’s not a really good excuse. I had just finished a project for a client. I was so relieved, I took myself out for dinner. Flying Sushi had been calling to me for some time. I was their last client for dinner and had plenty to eat and then some. I did major damage to the amount of delicious food in the bento box and came home with a full belly and dragged my ass to bed.
My wife was no longer with me. She had left years before, but I still slept on the left side of the bed like I had done as a teenager with the window up a few inches, and the rusty screen allowing fresh air to cool me off on hot nights. This wasn’t one of those, but the cool breeze was pleasant and soothing. I awoke and cuddled down a bit and welcomed a soothing breath of fresh air . . . and froze. I could hear someone else breathing in the room.
Slowly, I turned my head a bit to the right. The hall light cast just enough light into the bedroom to let me see the up and down movement of someone breathing and laying just inches away from my body. I continued my breathing . . . almost in unison. I calmed down some until our breaths were in unison while I thought about the predicament and wondered.
I hadn’t had any alcohol and had never been one to try drugs. My mind ran through a list of my friends and relatives who might have come over unannounced and came up with zero possibilities of any promises or proposals I might have made . . . it was a short list, anyway.
Lying still was making me more and more nervous especially when I noticed the change in breathing from my unannounced bed partner. I could tell that whoever this person was, was also having issues with me awake and in the same bed. We laid there for what seemed like hours and hours, but the clock just showed minutes.
I cleared my throat and whispered “Who are you?” A second or two later I heard the question rebound in a female voice, “Who are you?” I responded with my name and mentioned we were in my house and lying in my bed. Silence ruled. I announced again who I was and just wanted some basic information. I added that I was not really used to women showing up in my bed. I heard a giggle.
“I have keys, but didn’t need them for the front door because it was ajar.” She gave me the address she was expecting. I cleared my throat again and said, “You are a block off. Her response was silence and then after a minute or so she said, “I could have been wrong.” I nodded my head and said, “Could have been wrong? I like that. How about this: I turn over, close my eyes while you get out of bed and put clothes on if you’re not wearing any. I get up and get dressed and we meet in the kitchen in five minutes.” “Done deal . . . I’m bi-sexual by the way,” she said.” I remarked, “I don’t care and I’m not interested.”
By the afternoon, we were friends and laughing, she wanted to rent a room, and I welcomed the humor and the attitude of an interesting companion.
It was the sushi talking Don 🍱. Thanks for recommending Flying Sushi again, those folks provide wonderful sushi and are so friendly and gracious as well. Plus easy parking and a calm and pleasant interior. My daughter sent me a Christmas gift certificate for Flying Sushi because she’s heard me rave about them so often.
Mary Clare . . . glad I could help and glad you read the story.