TACOMA, Wash. — The Tacoma City Council is currently seeking applicants to fill nine positions on the Human Services Commission. There are eight member positions and one youth position, for youth between the ages of 16 and 18.
The Commission reviews competitive funding applications, rates project applications, and makes human services funding recommendations. It also serves as a resource to the City Council and City staff for implementation of programming related to human services and community wellness.
The Commission is comprised of 15 members serving three-year terms, with the exception of the youth position which has a one-year term. The youth position will be effective September 1, 2024.
The City is committed to creating an equitable and anti-racist community and wants its Committees, Boards, and Commissions to reflect Tacoma’s diverse community. For these vacancies, BIPOC individuals, LGBTQ individuals, individuals with disabilities, seniors, youth, immigrants, and refugees, as well as individuals who have benefited from human services programs relating to homelessness or household stability, youth development, domestic violence services, or mental health and substance use disorders are strongly encouraged to apply.
Additional information on the Human Services Commission is available here.
The appointed applicant is required to complete Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act trainings provided by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General within 90 days of being appointed to a Committee, Board, or Commission.
Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by March 24, 2024 at cityoftacoma.org/cbcapplication. Questions about the application process, requests to receive the application in an alternate format, or requests to submit additional documents may be directed to Elizabeth Wing in the City Clerk’s Office at servetacoma@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 591-5178.
How about a nonrace/gender-based commission that can create resumes for the people they are claiming to “help”.
This would also vet them for employment, protecting perspective employers from predatory and past behavioral problems.
You have this whole issue backwards and upside down, just like all the rest of the leftist policy around here.
Individual self-reliance should be the goal, not collective segregation.
On top of this facade, you use terms like “dignity of the individual”. What a joke.
You’ve taken away the traditional incentive to work and produce, and you’ve replaced it with a delusion which is destroying this nation.
You are effectively commiting suicide and taking everyone you can with you. Sound familiar?
We don’t need gun control around here.
We need leftist control.