Submitted by Toby Roberts.

In the month of February Lakewood YMCA staff, local businesses and members participate in a worldwide contest called “Rally for the Y”.
Each year Y’s around the world create teams of riders who compete to raise money for their causes. The Lakewood Y, the current defending world champs, competes to ensure that all children living in foster care will receive a free membership.
Currently 267 children benefit from this program in Lakewood. This year fifteen local businesses have sponsored at least one child living in foster care at the cost of $552…the equivalent of the cost of a yearlong youth membership. With this support combined with individual donations, the Lakewood Y has raised over $22,000 with 7 days to go.

As a team, the Lakewood Y has ridden over 4,000 miles, with a goal of 7,000 by months end. Leading the way cycling instructor Kerry Hills who clocked 951 miles on his own. Kerry is currently the second leading rider in the world. This has been an amazing journey the last couple years and we hope to bring the championship to Lakewood once again. If you’d like to get involved, please contact Toby at the Y. In the end, the children are the winners.

The Lakewood Y would like to thank our current sponsors:
Korsmo Construction, Twin Star Credit Union, Archer Consulting, Mazatlan Restaurant,
Kiwanis of Clover Park, Lakewood Hardware, Harborstone Credit Union, Rothbauer Dental,
Sound Glass, Brodie Upholstery, The Roll-In Cafe, Stirrett Johnsen, Extra Mile.