Submitted by UW Rehabilitation Medicine – TBI Model System.
The TBI Model Systems team at the University of Washington Department of Rehabilitation Medicine received grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense to recruit Veterans, for a study called the Late Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury-Military (LE-TBI-MIL).
The LE-TBI-MIL study aims to explore health and thinking skills in individuals with TBI in order to learn more about specific factors that may help Veterans to stay healthy as they age. We would like to learn more about TBI and aging and why some of our Veterans that have experienced a TBI have few problems as they age, while others have more difficulty. It is unique in that it involves making wishes known about the willingness to donate one’s brain tissue at the time of death. Study participation involves an in-person visit to the UW Medical Center, which includes:
- MRI of the brain (participant may request a copy)
- cognitive testing (brain games)
- behavioral questionnaires
- a brief physical assessment
- a blood draw
$100 compensation as a thank you and a $15 lunch voucher are provided.
Parking fees are covered and we can reimburse gas mileage to and from the UW Medical Center.
Veterans may be eligible if it has been at least a year since discharge, have experienced a head injury/TBI (before, during, or after active duty), and live in Washington State. We are enrolling non-veterans that have experienced head injuries as well! If interested or to learn more, please call or email Laurie Peabody (206) 744-3607 or