Property tax statements are in the mail this week to 175,000 owners of residential and commercial land and buildings in Pierce County. For homes where the tax is paid through a mortgage escrow account, the statement goes to the bank or mortgage company. The 2024 statements are also posted on the Assessor-Treasurer’s website,
Pierce County real estate values stayed close to level compared to the previous year, and the average property tax rate increased to $10.10 per thousand dollars value, which is 37 cents over 2013’s level.
The annual tax is determined by multiplying property value (in thousands of dollars) by the combined rate of all taxing districts where the property is located. Unless there is a vote of the people, most taxing districts are limited to receiving 101% of last year’s property tax revenue, plus any taxes resulting from new construction in their area.
“The significant tax increases are in areas where voters approved new levies,” Assessor-Treasurer Mike Lonergan explained. “This year, we see moderate tax increases in the Gig Harbor Peninsula, Fircrest and Key Peninsula. The largest decrease in average taxes was 10 percent in Fife due to the end of a school bond, followed by smaller reductions in Spanaway, Eatonville, Puyallup, South Hill and Steilacoom.”
Data showing the 2023 to 2024 net effect of property values multiplied by tax rates is available (pdf or Excel). The result is shown as both a 2024 tax amount for the average home and the percentage change from the previous year.
Countywide, property taxes billed this year total nearly $1.93 billion, a 3.9% increase over 2023. In addition to schools, property taxes pay for city and county government, fire districts, emergency medical service, parks, libraries, roads, Port of Tacoma, Sound Transit and flood control. Additional fees are also included on the property tax statement for conservation, noxious weed control and surface water.
The state and local levies for schools make up 58% of all property taxes in Pierce County. The cities and county (including the road district) add up to 19.8%, and fire/EMS districts equal 12.5.%. Together, these account for over 90% of Pierce County’s property tax.
Data showing the percentages of total 2024 property taxes in Pierce County that will go to various services of local government is available (pdf or Excel).
New school levies were approved by the voters last year in the Peninsula and Steilacoom districts, and voters in four cities and six fire districts approved levies or lid lifts. Overall, the average residential 2024 tax bill Countywide is $5,579, a 5.1% increase over last year.
A significant change in 2024 is that homeowners over age 61, and those who are fully disabled at any age, may qualify for a significant property tax reduction if their household gross income is under $64,000. The previous income limit in Pierce County was $45,708. Lonergan said, “This is a big increase in allowable income, and it will allow thousands more taxpayers to qualify for a partial tax exemption.” Application information is on the Assessor-Treasurer’s website,
Tax payments are due in two halves, by April 30 and October 31, 2024. The service counter at the Pierce County Annex, 2401 S 35th in Tacoma, is open 8:30 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday to receive payments and issue receipts. Taxpayers with questions may also contact the Assessor-Treasurer staff by computer chat on the website or by calling (253) 798-6111.
Once again a tax rate in University Place is the highest (follow the link in the article). I really have to wonder why.