A twice-broken heart, an anticipated future that does not come to fruition, dreams dashed, one cup where there used to be two, where to go, what now?
David of biblical history answers.
‘My times are in your hands. You will hide me in the shadows. There, as under the arbor, I will find safety, and solace. It is a resting place, a waiting place, a healing place’ – Psalm 31.
In this place of silence, strength is said to be found.
In this place of withdrawal, wounded hearts are said to be healed.
In this place of retreat, it is said, that courage, life, and love are reborn.
So, it is said.
Keil and Delitzsch write that there will be again a day when “the bright spring sun at length breaks through the dark, angry aspect of the heavens.”
But the spring season of the year is not here yet.
So now, my spirit weary, I go gently to rest quietly, to wait patiently for all that is said.
While I slowly sip my cup of coffee alone.