Submitted by Paul Nimmo.

The Lakewood Baseball Club’s mission as coaches and parents to provide a healthy atmosphere for our players, regardless of ability or experience, in which they are able to learn the positive aspects of baseball and utilize what they learn, on and off the field.
Lakewood Baseball Club has levels for many of our community youth. Most start with our “Shetland” division which are ages 4-6, often called “T-ball”. Players advance to the “Pinto” Divisions, ages 7-8. This level uses a coach pitcher, with the goal of putting the ball in play. These levels work towards general skill development and team play.
The next age bracket, called “Mustang”, is for ages 9-10. This level introduces live pitching as well as modified base running, working towards the full game of baseball. The competition really starts to develop but our volunteer coaches are still working on development of the player.
“Bronco” increases the game to more resemble the full aspects of Baseball. Pitching and base stealing add excitement while the base paths and pitching distances increase, as well as the length of games.
The Pony/Colt Division rounds out the current levels LBC offers, with competition for kids 15 and under. This closely resembles true baseball, similar to the WIAA level in school.
Did you notice the “horse” related names? Lakewood Baseball Club is affiliated with P.O.N.Y. (Protect Our Nation’s Youth) Baseball.
The kids will come, but we also have need for adults in the community to make an investment to our youth. Volunteer Coaches, Trainers and Supporters are in need.
For more information,