Christmas is connected to angels from its very beginning. Angels are considered to be harbingers of God, creatures of light, and are most often imagined to have wings and halos. They pervade sacred art from cute little cherubs of very human toddler quality to the awe-inspiring and forbidding guardians of Paradise. But often we also speak of human beings as of angels. That’s when we find that somebody is giving comfort and aid to people in need at a level that is above the expected. It’s when the giver gives in ways that supersede what most would do and what would mean a sacrifice to others. No halos involved. Nor wings. They don’t do it for any rewards’ sake either. They just are who they are. And aren’t we lucky if we find somebody in our lives who has exactly these qualities?! We might not even be the direct recipients of their offers but feel inspired and enlightened by their mere presence. Let’s look around more closely – my guess is that there are more of these harbingers of goodness around than our daily news let us know.