Do you enjoy snow? The very first soft flakes tumbling down from the sky, dancing in all directions, becoming a whirl? Watching them from a warm room – isn’t that one of the coziest things ever? To imagine the cold and wet out there, to observe how the grass gets a thin layer of white, how it takes the driveway ever so much longer to be covered? To find that the noise level outside diminishes to a bare whisper?
Did you know that snow is basically vapor that freezes as it travels through the air – vapor, not rain! That each snowflake, no matter which shape, is symmetrical and has six evenly spaced lines from its center? Now, isn’t that a miracle Nature creates there?! But as the frozen vapor travels, each and every frozen bit travels a little differently, and that’s why no snowflake is identical in shape to another. If you get snow, hold out your coat sleeve to catch some flakes and look at the crystals. You’re holding a piece of heaven right there!