In December of 1994 Peggy and I attended the first Tacoma Midwinter Revels at the Rialto Theater in Tacoma. It was more than just “watch and listen” entertainment . . . much more. I don’t recall if we participated in the final presentation, or if the whole theatre simply became the entertainers and sang, and shared, and marched/danced around the interior aisles of the Rialto. I recall greeting friends and other people whom we had never met. It didn’t really matter. All seemed happy and shared the joy of being together.
Amy Wigstrom is Executive Director of the Midwinter Revels. I’ve known her from Rotary for years. She has a great voice herself. Years ago she arranged for a tour for Peggy and me of the Seattle Opera costume shop for our website Northwest Adventures. Peggy was thrilled – https://nwadventures.us/SeattleOperaTour.html
Reconnecting: Amy called and shared the information about the latest Revel. It was so great talking with Amy again and preparing for the current Midwinter Revels.
“Every year is different, offering a mélange of folk music, high art music, and low comedy, which is my department,” says BJ Douglas, stage director and playwright. “Each year, we choose a time and a place and celebrate the darkest days of the year and the return of the light, bringing the traditions of that place and time to life. We build a village, both in thought and deed, on the stage and invite the audience to join in the celebration. So, while there will be some familiar elements from year to year, each production is filled with new delights. Seeing one isn’t seeing them all.”
The Revels are for families of all ages and expect the audience to be involved in the singing.
“Many people know of us through our Midwinter Revels show,” says Amy Wigstrom, executive director of the Midwinter Revels. “but they may not be aware that Revels marks the passing of the entire year with community seasonal celebrations. Funded through Tacoma Creates, we have free events almost every month. This month, for instance, we are flinging joy around the city with four Neighborhood Dragonlight Parades! Pub sings, dances, concerts, and workshops happen throughout the year to spark a feeling of community and to mark our journey ‘round the sun. We are excited to be partnering with Tacoma Urban Performing Arts Center (TUPAC) for a May Day celebration in Wright Park, broadening the array of traditions we can share and strengthening connections with our neighbors.”
So, if you’re ready for a joy-filled experience full of song, story, dance, and laughter, The Midwinter Revels is for you. Tickets can be purchased online, and you can learn about Revels year ‘round online.
There are 5 shows for The Midwinter Revels
2023 Performance dates:
December 16, 2:00pm & 7:30pm* (*ASL Interpreted)
December 17, 1:00pm
December 19, 7:30pm
December 20, 2:00pm
https://www.pugetsoundrevels.org/ or https://tickets.tacomaartslive.org/Online/default.asp