Taking a walk is some wonderful exercise, anytime. But during winter, it is something that is a bit taxing as well. We have to layer us against cold and rain (if not snow), and the time window we have is narrow, as the days are so short. But once we are outdoors, it is extremely rewarding. First of all, the quiet is not really quiet – you can hear all kinds of sounds of Nature, from the dripping of drops from branches to the calls of birds and the wind in the trees. You can smell the fragrance of rotting leaves and evergreen branches, of wood smoke and, if you’re on the shore, that of the water world. Your fingers, toes, and face might get really cold, but you know they will tingle to life once you get back inside later. The meditative solitude is as refreshing as the physical exercise. In the end, you’ll have the knowledge that you have achieved something in stepping out of your comfort zone. Reward yourself with a cookie and a hot beverage when back at home. This winter walk will have changed your entire day for the better.
About Susanne Bacon
German-American author, journalist, and columnist Susanne Bacon’s books are available in local bookstores or on Amazon). Susanne lives with her husband in Lakewood, Washington. You can contact her at Facebook. If you are interested in an express delivery of Susanne's columns and her other articles, subscribe to her Bacon's Bits email, delivery free to your inbox. Click here to sign up.
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