A walk across a holiday lit campus, on a chilly December evening, to Lagerquist Concern Hall was the start to a wonderful ‘Sounds of Christmas’ evening. The PLU School of Music Theater & Dance produced an evening filled with singing, ringing and readings.
The first group of the evening to perform was the PLU Ringers, a handbell choir. It is always interesting to watch so many people, who only hold a few tones in their hands, produce an enchanting melody.
They were followed by the Knights Chorus, an all men’s group. For me this was the strongest group performance of the evening. Most of there songs were sung acapella and the voices carried and reverberated well throughout the concert hall.
The third group of the evening were the University singers, the all woman’s chorus. The group performed softer lullaby carols to much stronger Christmas favorites like Hark! The Herald Angles Sing.
The evening had classic Christmas carols where the audience was encouraged to rise and sing along, allowing everyone to get into the Christmas spirit. The evening was capped of with a postlude by Michael Plagerman on the pipe organ which for me was the most enjoyable part of the entire concert. In my opinion there are few instruments, when played well, that are more impressive.
If you are looking for a Christmas tradition this PLU annual event is very enjoyable and this year under attended given the hard work these performers put in to the show.