Everybody loves a hot drink when coming in from the cold. Or when standing outside at a Christmas market booth. The traditional drink in Germany is Glühwein aka mulled wine. Back in thee day, you either bought it at an event or you had to make it from scratch. As in buying sachets that you soaked in the wine while heating it. Today, you can get the stuff bottled all year around in supermarkets. Just not the white kind. Or the one spiked with liqueurs. Nor the Kinderpunsch – the non-alcoholic variant.
I have never tried eggnog (neither cold nor warm), admittedly. I only listen to discussions on the radio as of what date it is acceptable to drink it. I keep thinking to myself that there is no drink in the world that should be attached to a date. Whether you heat some juice and add spices, or wine, or do the same with beer (indeed, some people like this!), or spike some tea or coffee with brandy (or not) – the fragrance of a hot beverage, while letting the warmth of a mug soak through your fingers, is something that is especially pleasant during the Advent season. Give it a try!