What would you like U.P. to look like in 2044? A city’s comprehensive plan is the blueprint for a community’s growth and changes over a 20-year horizon. The City of University Place is in the midst of updating its Comprehensive Plan, which has a chapter on community character that discusses the vision for the City. This vision can be a guiding force as the City develops policies and regulations. The City’s “Vision Statement” was last revised in 2004 and it states:
University Place is a safe, attractive city that provides a supportive environment for all citizens to work, play, obtain an education and raise families. Children and youth are nurtured and encouraged to develop into competent, contributing citizens in a changing world. The physical and mental well-being and health of all individuals is valued. Violence is not tolerated. A cooperative community spirit and respect for each other – our commonalities and differences – foster a diverse cultural, spiritual, and ethnic life and prepare us for future challenges.

What do you like about this vision for your city? What do you dislike?
Tell the City what you think about its vision and other topics in a community survey, available in English, Korean and Spanish. The survey is open from Oct. 11 to Dec. 4. The City will also have a booth at the Christmas Tree Lighting on Dec. 1 if you’d like to talk directly to City staff.
Let your voice be heard and take the survey today.