TACOMA, Wash. – Community members are invited to attend one of two virtual information sessions on upcoming changes to the Tacoma Rental Housing Code on December 4, one at noon (click for access details) and another at 5:30 PM (click for access details). These sessions will be recorded and made available online as well, for those who cannot attend.
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“Communism 101”.
Just wait for what these folks have in store for your rights, freedoms, and personal property in the next round.
This is what we get when we empower people of little to no previous accomplishments or economic wisdom.
Who else would expect a property owner to maintain a property with no income stream to do so?
Nuts .
Oh, and those property taxes must be paid regardless, or these same “representatives” will be taking your property from you, with the same bureaucratic machine that will be enforcing this unconstitutional code/law..
Make sure you include that in your “information session”.
We wouldn’t want any “unintended” consequences would we?