Author Courtney Campbell from Gig Harbor, Washington, is also a singer/songwriter, musician, storyteller, and the writer of many screenplays for a TV show she had. She has been writing songs and stories for 35 years. Her first book was last April. She is a member of the Writers Cooperative of the Pacific Northwest. When Courtney isn’t writing, she immerses herself in photography, architecture and design, and explores new areas.
Which genres do you cover?
Courtney Campbell: Self help
Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Courtney Campbell: The title is “How to Work for Yourself and Not Get Fired.” It is a self-help book. It’s the story about how I created a method for developing productive work habits, achieving one’s goals, and, most importantly, feeling good about yourself in the whole process. It is serious and humorous and has great illustrations.
At which book events can readers find you?
Courtney Campbell: I am not at any events at the moment.
Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Courtney Campbell: I am new to the book market, so don’t have experience with book events.
Do(es) your book(s) have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Courtney Campbell: Be patient with yourself when adopting new work habits or revising your own. It takes time for changes to feel natural. Celebrate your achievements large and small. Whatever method you choose or are using to develop productive or better work habits, be realistic, not idealistic. Idealistically, I’d like to work like writers I read about, who work many hours into the night. Realistically, I am good for about 4-5 hours in the morning. It’s important to find out what really works for you. That way you can sustain it.

Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Courtney Campbell: Patrick Rothfuss, the writer I am reading at the moment, reminds me what I already know; it is all about the story. It may sound funny but he is such an amazing storyteller that I forget I am reading. I am there, immersed in the world of his story. While I am reading, nothing else exists. I love that.
Do you have any specific writing habits?
Courtney Campbell: I write every day for at least four hours. The morning is my best time. The rest of the day is devoted to emails and other work.
What are you currently working on?
Courtney Campbell: I am working on a screenplay and the music for a family film.
Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Courtney Campbell: “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Courtney Campbell: Write what you really know and feel. If that means doing research, do a lot of it until you really know it. Write, write, write, and do not to judge yourself. Get all your thoughts out. Later on, you can go back to edit and fix. Do your best not to listen to that negative voice we all have that says, “you can’t do this, it will never work.” Talk back to it. Tell it to get lost!
You can find Courtney Campbell’s book at https://www.amazon.com/How-Work-Yourself-Not-Fired/dp/B0BVSXDHQ7
It is a neat book Courtney! Congratulations on getting it published.