Are you counting down the days till Christmas? Advent calendars are a fun way to celebrate the season AND to do the count. There are countless kinds of advent calendars. The easiest ones to have are the boughten ones with chocolates, truffles, perfumes, cheeses, or even alcoholic beverages. The ones that are truly personal are the ones that people craft and fill themselves. And there’s the kinds in between. Those that don’t cost much AND are filled with personal love. Take a tiny bag of paper or silk at the cost of a dollar and reuse it every day. Fill it with a cookie here and a piece of chocolate there, or some candy. Or with a tiny scroll and words of wisdom – absolutely fat- and sugar-free. But oh, the joy and surprise to find such a bag in the same place every day through the Advent season … dangling from a door knob, sitting next to a plate on the dinner table, or on a night stand or … You can still start your advent calendar today.