Submitted by Diane Formoso.
The Clothing Bank has been overwhelmed with clothing bank orders, sixty-seven in one week. Power Shoppers are doing a lot of shopping to fill all of these orders. Also in demand are blow up beds, pillows and blankets and emergency food!
The Holiday Fair is just around the corner. We have been shopping all year to provide Christmas to over 800 families. Please volunteer for this big event! On Friday, December 8th, we need volunteers at Thomas Middle School at 3:30 P.M. to unload and set up the gifts for shopping. Saturday December 9th we would like volunteers at Thomas at 7:30 A.M. to start putting together the family gifts.
Marcus Rogers and Kristi Webster are holding a fundraiser for us on December 15th. It will be held at Steilacoom Community Center. There will be dancing and a night of fun! Tickets are $50. For more info email Caring for Kids.
Our major fundraising event the “Caring for Kids Dinner Auction” will be held on Saturday, February 3rd at 5:00 P.M. at the Clover Park Technical College McGavick Center. There are tables of ten and tickets are $45. We are looking for donations of live auction items and sponsors. All the money we raise will help struggling kids and families in our community. Be sure and mark your calendars!
Please email or call Diane at 253-279-9777 if you have any questions.