Submitted by Clover Park Rotary.

Clover Park School District, Pierce College and citizens from all over our community teamed up with Clover Park Rotary to make Community Work day at Lakewood’s South Sound Wildlife Area a great success. Attended by 100 people, the day began with our first Prairie Restoration Planting and seeding of our native plant propagation garden.
Native plants including Roemers Fescue, Camas, Lupin, Sea Blush and many others were reintroduced to the prairie area that is part of Chambers Creek Watershed and have been missing for over 100 years.
With the help of a new grant from Harbor Wild Watch, a Puget Sound Water shed grant we will continue our restoration and education program on into the spring and summer of 2024.

Save the day for the next Big community event May 18, 2024 and help us move forward with the future restoration and development of what this amazing site can be for Lakewood.
Located on Phillips Road, this 90 acre area is open to the public during daylight hours for hiking, bird watching, dog walking and other uses consistent with a wildlife preserve.
For more information or to get involved, contact Alan Billingsley ( Rotary Project coordinator.