Due to the County’s robust floodplain management and participation in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS), residents and businesses in unincorporated Pierce County continue to be eligible for a 40% reduction off National Flood Insurance Policy insurance premiums.
The County submitted the annual progress report as part of the annual recertification for continued participation in the CRS. The report provides an overview of progress made on a suite of programmatic recommendations and capital projects identified in the 2013 Rivers Flood Hazard Management Plan and 2018 Update.
The 8-page report is available online at www.PierceCountyWa.gov/FloodPlan.
Pierce County is developing a new flood plan that is available for public review now. The draft Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan is scheduled to go before County Council on Oct. 17 for consideration. The new plan includes recommendations to address more types of flood hazards beyond riverine flooding, including coastal, urban, and groundwater flooding.
Find out more about the new draft plan and how to comment by visiting the link above or email 2023FloodPlan@PierceCountyWa.gov. Public comments will also be taken during the presentation to County Council on Oct. 17, 2023. Details are available on the Council Meeting webpage.
Are Lakewood citizens and businesses eligible for a 40% reduction off flood insurance?
Ask your Council Member.