TACOMA, Wash.—Happy Howl‐o‐ween! Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium’s Zoo Boo weekend returns Oct. 14‐15. The annual fun, fall‐themed weekend is always a hoot among families.
There will be plenty of ghostly games and arts and crafts. Make your own bat wings to wear, inspect teeth up close to identify the animal, go on a spooky skeleton scavenger hunt (can you find all 10 photos of plant and animal skeletons scattered throughout the zoo?), or become a mad scientist as you spin, jump, and explore the sciences on a self-guided path through bamboo.
There will also be candy and treats for the kids (and don’t worry‐ the Kids’ Zone playground will be open to get out all that energy!). Look around the zoo for decorations and vote for your favorite themed area.
Plus, pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins! Watch as animals get pumpkins to munch on, guess the weight of pumpkins of all sizes, and watch divers in the Pacific Seas Aquarium carve pumpkins underwater (Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.).
Costumes are encouraged for everyone (no face masks or full-face paint for adults, please). There will even be a costume parade (Saturday and Sunday at 12:15 p.m. starting at the Wild Wonders Outdoor Theater).
When: Oct. 14 and Oct. 15 from 9:30 a.m.‐3 p.m.
Price: Free with admission to the zoo.
BECU is the presenting sponsor of Zoo Boo. For more information and the full schedule of events, visit pdza.org.