The 2023-24 school year is now underway and the University Place Police Department wants to remind all motorists to leave a little extra time in their morning and afternoon routines to slow down and be safe.
Walkers and bikers be sure to stop, look, listen and look again before crossing the street. Don’t walk between parked cars where motorists cannot see you well. Use crosswalks and/or streets where crossing guards are on duty and always obey all traffic signals.
Bus riders should always cross 10 feet in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Stay out of the street and don’t horse play at the bus stop. Stand back until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Drivers need to slow down and be ready for surprises. Pay attention to reduced speed limits in school zones. Obey state law that requires motorists to stop for buses with flashing red lights and extended STOP arms that indicate children are loading or unloading. Passing a stopped school bus can result in a fine up to $500.
Whether you are walking, biking, riding or driving, back-to-school safety is everyone’s business.