If you’ve spent the summer cleaning out your closets and garage and plan to hold a yard sale, be sure to follow the City of U.P.’s sign regulations. Designed to protect the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, these rules require that:
- The signs may be placed adjacent to the right-of-way with the property owner’s permission (This means off to the side of the public right-of-way, not the City mowing strip nor on the City sidewalk).
- Yard sale signs shall not be posted sooner than 5 p.m. on the day prior to the sale and shall be removed immediately following the end of the sale.
- Yard sale signs must include the address where the yard sale is located and date(s) of the sale.
- Signs for yard sales shall not be allowed for more than three (3) successive calendar days in a 30-day period and shall be limited to advertising not more than three (3) yard sale events in the same calendar year at the same location.
- No private signs, including yard sale signs, are allowed on any street sign, utility pole, roundabout, street median, planter strip, or sidewalk.
In addition to promoting safety, these regulations also help reduce visual clutter in U.P. Help us preserve our beautiful streetscapes by sharing this information with your friends and neighbors so we can all work together to keep U.P. safe and inviting.
Talk about over-legislation. Maybe go do something useful to help people!