From Tacoma Historical Society Twitter/X feed.

On August 31, 1936 two unidentified workmen delivered fifty new typewriters to the Central School building at 601 South 8th Street – just in time for the new school year, which began September 1st.
From Tacoma Historical Society Twitter/X feed.
On August 31, 1936 two unidentified workmen delivered fifty new typewriters to the Central School building at 601 South 8th Street – just in time for the new school year, which began September 1st.
On August 31, 1936 two unidentified workmen delivered fifty new typewriters to the Central School building at 601 South 8th Street – just in time for the new school year, which began September 1st.
— THS – Tacoma History (@Tacoma_History) August 31, 2023
Photograph courtesy @tacomalibrary#TacomaHistory #BackToSchool @tacomaschools
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