Submitted by Clover Park Rotary.
Clover Park Rotary has teamed up with the Northwest Youth Corps making improvements to Lakewood’s own South Sound Wildlife Area. Located on Phillips Road, this 90 Acre area is open to the public during daylight hours for Hiking, bird watching, dog walking and other uses consistent with a wildlife preserve.

With the help of the Northwest Youth Corps, Rotary has begun Prairie restoration on the 90 acre site. Removing Scotch Broom, invasive plants and grasses, preparing for the reintroduction of native plants and wildflowers. Once a large part of the Lakewood area, these Prairie areas are now down to the last 3% of what once was a dominant eco system here.
As part of the Rotary project, an educational trail and interpretative area are being developed to tell the story of the Lakewood Prairie system and how it is an important part of the unique area in which we live.
Work has been performed by local volunteers and service clubs who care about keeping this special area open and usable for both people and the wildlife that live here in Lakewood.
On October 7th we will celebrate the next stage of the project with the planting and reintroduction of a number of prairie plants. Come join the fun and make a difference in our community that day from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Never underestimate the power to effect change that a small group has. It is in fact the way all great change begins.
For more information or to get involved, contact Alan Billingsley ( Rotary Project coordinator.