Once again this year, neighbors in University Place came out in droves to participate in National Night Out activities on Tuesday, Aug. 1. A total of 43 neighborhood groups organized everything from cookouts to potlucks as they came together to show that public safety in U.P. is a community effort. The City’s public safety caravans were kept busy all night, moving from celebration to celebration where kids of every age enjoyed the opportunity to see fire trucks, police cars and other public safety vehicles up close.
For new U.P. Police Chief Pat Burke, the evening reinforced why he wanted to work in University Place. “This was my first National Night Out in my new role. I was so impressed by the level of participation from so many neighborhoods and enjoyed getting to know the people we serve,” he said. “I am so impressed by the residents and businesses of U.P. The support we continue to get from everyone we encounter is truly something special.”