TACOMA, Wash. — The City of Tacoma has launched Tacoma Open Data at cityoftacoma.org/tacomaopendata. The updated open data portal – which builds on lessons learned from the City’s work in data analytics – is designed to make it easier for people to access data from the City without legal restrictions on use or reuse.
“The launch of Tacoma Open Data is a major step forward in our ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability,” said Mayor Victoria Woodards. “With improved access to the City’s data, people can more effectively engage with the City and inform the work that the City does. Information truly is power and, with this tool, there are no limits to what you can do.”
“This is such an exciting tool for Tacoma, and I know a lot of hard work has gone into it,” said Deputy Mayor Kristina Walker. “Open data is the key to a more collaborative and responsive government model, and I encourage you to take a look at the datasets and share your feedback.”
Tacoma Open Data currently provides access to 50 datasets, with additional datasets projected to be added in the coming months. Users will have the option of viewing data in a dashboard or map format. Data downloads are available in CSV, KML, Shapefile, GeoJSON, and File Geodatabase formats.
Community members with questions about Tacoma Open Data can call 311 within Tacoma city limits, or (253) 591-5000 from anywhere else, for assistance.
Kudos! Terrific idea. Every jurisdiction (organization) should, mindful of mission, continuity and periodic assessment of intention, and of the power and value of an informed public, develop a useful encyclopedic reference of and for itself. From the documentation of detail, trends, patterns, meaningful result may emerge to celebrate or improve bases for evolution, validation or even existence. Presence is not always proof, where measure is missing from factual review.