Author Linda Jordan lives in Tulalip, Washington, and writes for a living. She started writing in her late 20s and had her first novel published in 2011. Linda belongs to the Writers Cooperative of the Pacific Northwest. “Most other groups I avoid because I’m introverting.” When Linda isn’t writing, she likes gardening and what she jokingly calls “creating bad art and herding cats”.
Which genres do you cover?
Linda Jordan: I write Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Cozy Mysteries, along with the occasional non-fiction about gardening.
Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Linda Jordan: The last one was called “Witch Stone,” a collection of 3 novellas by three writers. Mine is “Coven’s Fire.” It’s the fourth story of a series, each story told by one of five sisters. The household of the McMahon sisters remains locked in battle against the Mother of Demons. But can the group of witches, shamans, and demonologists survive the strain of cohabitation with enough magical strength to destroy the demon?
At which book events can readers find you?
Linda Jordan: This spring I’ll be at the Women’s Expo in Marysville and the Alchemy Fair in Everett, Washington. I’ll also be at the Arlington Street Fair this summer. There may be other events in between those, depending on what pops up.

Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Linda Jordan: I love the street fairs. Being outside puts everyone in a celebratory mood. I adore looking at people’s hair, clothes, jewelry, and tattoos. And seeing their dogs. It’s always so much fun.
Do you have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Linda Jordan: We’re all in this together, so let’s try and be kind to each other.
Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Linda Jordan: There are so many. Neil Gaiman I love for his wisdom and vulnerability. Kris Rusch for her addictive stories. Laini Taylor for her stunning imagination. Sarah Addison Allen for making me wish I’d written her stories. Fonda Lee for her amazing action. I could go on like this forever.
Do you have specific writing habits?
Linda Jordan: I get up in the morning, have tea, and journal as a way to empty my brain of garbage. Then I have a quick breakfast, get dressed, and get to the writing until lunch. How long of a session varies. I make a solid attempt at getting in five mornings a week. Sometimes it’s more, other times less. If I have a deadline, I write in the afternoon as well.
What are you currently working on?
Linda Jordan: I’m working on an epic fantasy novel I set aside when the pandemic hit and my brain couldn’t handle all the complexities of creating a brand-new world and an entire cast of characters.

Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Linda Jordan: “Nettle and Bone” by T. Kingfisher. She’s another fabulous writer who writes incredibly imaginative stories.
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Linda Jordan: Realize there’s no secret sauce. Just write. Stay at your keyboard and put words on the page. Eventually, they will be good words. Trust yourself.
You can find Linda Jordan’s books at Barnes & Noble, Kobo, at Artisan’s Books and Coffee in Everett, Washington, and on Amazon.com.